- addb::actotMortality and population data
- addb::aus.fertilityAustralian fertility data
- addb::australiaMortality and population data
- addb::nswMortality and population data
- addb::ntMortality and population data
- addb::qldMortality and population data
- addb::saMortality and population data
- addb::tasMortality and population data
- addb::vicMortality and population data
- addb::waMortality and population data
- bfast::datesA vector with date information (a Datum type) to be linked with each NDVI layer within the modis raster datacube (modisraster data set)
- bfast::harvest16-day NDVI time series for a Pinus radiata plantation.
- bfast::ndviA random NDVI time series
- bfast::simtsSimulated seasonal 16-day NDVI time series
- bfast::somTwo 16-day NDVI time series from the south of Somalia
- conduits::NEON_PRIN_5min_cleanedAnomaly removed data for water quality variables aggregated at 5-minute intervals from Pringle Creek, Texas.
- cricketdata::cricsheet_codesCodes used for competitions on Cricsheet
- cricketdata::player_metaMeta data on players listed at ESPNCricinfo
- demography::aus.fertAustralian fertility data
- demography::fr.mortFrench mortality data
- demography::fr.smFrench mortality data
- eechidna::abs2001Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2004Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2006Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2007Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2010Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2011Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2013Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2016Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2019Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::abs2021Australian Census data on all electorates
- eechidna::fp01First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp04First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp07First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp10First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp13First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp16First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp19First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::fp22First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::nat_data01Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2001
- eechidna::nat_data04Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2004
- eechidna::nat_data07Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2007
- eechidna::nat_data10Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2010
- eechidna::nat_data13Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2013
- eechidna::nat_data16Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2016
- eechidna::nat_data19Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2019
- eechidna::nat_data22
- eechidna::nat_map01Map of Australian Electorates from 2001
- eechidna::nat_map04Map of Australian Electorates from 2004
- eechidna::nat_map07Map of Australian Electorates from 2007
- eechidna::nat_map10Map of Australian Electorates from 2010
- eechidna::nat_map13Map of Australian Electorates from 2013
- eechidna::nat_map16Map of Australian Electorates from 2016
- eechidna::nat_map19Map of Australian Electorates from 2019
- eechidna::nat_map22
- eechidna::states22
- eechidna::tcp01Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp04Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp07Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp10Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp13Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp16Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp19Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tcp22Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
- eechidna::tpp01Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp04Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp07Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp10Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp13Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp16Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp19Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- eechidna::tpp22Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
- expsmooth::ausgdpQuarterly Australian GDP
- expsmooth::bondsMonthly US government bond yields
- expsmooth::cangasMonthly Canadian gas production
- expsmooth::carpartsMonthly sales car parts
- expsmooth::djiMonthly Dow Jones Index
- expsmooth::djicloseMonthly Dow Jones Index: closing
- expsmooth::enplanementsMonthly US domestic enplanements
- expsmooth::fmsalesWeekly FM sales
- expsmooth::freightAnnual US new freight cars
- expsmooth::frexportQuarterly French exports
- expsmooth::gaspriceUS gasoline prices
- expsmooth::hospitalMonthly patient count
- expsmooth::jewelryWeekly jewelry sales
- expsmooth::mcopperMonthly copper prices
- expsmooth::msalesMonthly product sales
- expsmooth::partxMonthly sales of an automobile part
- expsmooth::ukcarsQuarterly UK passenger car production
- expsmooth::unemp.cciUnemployment and the CCI
- expsmooth::usgdpQuarterly US GDP
- expsmooth::usnetelecAnnual US net electricity generation
- expsmooth::utilityHourly utility demand
- expsmooth::vehiclesHourly vehicle counts
- expsmooth::visitorsMonthly Australian overseas vistors
- expsmooth::xratesMonthly exchange rates
- fable.binary::melb_rainDaily rainfall in Melbourne, Australia
- fma::advertSales and advertising expenditure
- fma::advsalesSales volume and advertising expenditure
- fma::airpassMonthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960
- fma::autoAttributes of some US and Japanese automobiles
- fma::bankMutual savings bank deposits
- fma::beerMonthly beer production
- fma::bicoalAnnual bituminous coal production
- fma::booksSales of paperback and hardcover books
- fma::bostonMonthly dollar volume of sales
- fma::bricksqQuarterly clay brick production
- fma::canadianCanadian unemployment rate
- fma::capitalQuarterly capital expenditure and appropriations
- fma::cementCement composition and heat data
- fma::chickenPrice of chicken
- fma::condmilkCondensed milk
- fma::copperCopper price
- fma::copper1Copper prices
- fma::copper2Copper prices
- fma::copper3Copper prices
- fma::cowtempTemperature of a cow
- fma::cpimelConsumer price index
- fma::dexterDexterity test and production ratings
- fma::djDow-Jones index
- fma::doleUnemployment benefits in Australia
- fma::dowjonesDow-Jones index
- fma::econsumptionElectricity consumption and temperature
- fma::eggsPrice of eggs
- fma::eknivesSales of electric knives
- fma::elcoSales of Elco's laser printers
- fma::elecElectricity production
- fma::expenditureExpenditure
- fma::fancySales for a souvenir shop
- fma::frenchIndustry index
- fma::housingHousing data
- fma::hsalesSales of one-family houses
- fma::hsales2Sales of new one-family houses
- fma::huronLevel of Lake Huron
- fma::ibmIBM sales and profit
- fma::ibmcloseClosing IBM stock price
- fma::inputInput series
- fma::internetNumber of internet users
- fma::invent15Inventory demand
- fma::jcarsMotor vehicle production
- fma::kkongKing Kong data
- fma::labourCivilian labour force
- fma::lynxAnnual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934
- fma::milkMonthly milk production per cow
- fma::minkNumber of minks trapped
- fma::mortalMortality
- fma::motelTotal accommodation at hotel, motel and guest house
- fma::motionEmployment figures in the motion picture industry
- fma::nailNail prices
- fma::oilpriceOil prices
- fma::olympicMen's 400 m final winning times in each Olympic Games
- fma::ozoneOzone depletion and melanoma rates
- fma::parisAverage temperature
- fma::pcvGDP
- fma::petrolSales of petroleum and related product
- fma::pigsNumber of pigs slaughtered
- fma::plasticsSales of plastic product
- fma::pollutionShipment of pollution equipment
- fma::productCSales of product C
- fma::pulppricePulp price and shipments
- fma::qelecElectricity production
- fma::qsalesSales data
- fma::runningRunning times and maximal aerobic capacity
- fma::salesSales data
- fma::schizoPerceptual speed scores
- fma::shampooSales of shampoo
- fma::sheepSheep population
- fma::shipElectric can opener shipments
- fma::shipexShipments
- fma::strikesNumber of strikes
- fma::telephoneTelephone cost
- fma::texasgasPrice and consumption of natural gas
- fma::ukdeathsTotal deaths and serious injuries
- fma::usdeathsAccidental deaths in USA
- fma::uselecTotal generation of electricity
- fma::ustreasTreasury bill contracts
- fma::wagesukReal daily wages
- fma::wheatWheat prices
- fma::wnWhite noise series
- fma::wnoiseWhite noise time series
- fma::writingSales of printing and writing paper
- forecast::gasAustralian monthly gas production
- forecast::goldDaily morning gold prices
- forecast::taylorHalf-hourly electricity demand
- forecast::wineindAustralian total wine sales
- forecast::woolyrnqQuarterly production of woollen yarn in Australia
- fpp2::a10Monthly anti-diabetic drug subsidy in Australia from 1991 to 2008.
- fpp2::arrivalsInternational Arrivals to Australia
- fpp2::ausairAir Transport Passengers Australia
- fpp2::ausbeerQuarterly Australian Beer production
- fpp2::auscafeMonthly expenditure on eating out in Australia
- fpp2::austaInternational visitors to Australia
- fpp2::austouristsInternational Tourists to Australia: Total visitor nights.
- fpp2::callsCall volume for a large North American bank
- fpp2::debitcardsRetail debit card usage in Iceland.
- fpp2::departuresTotal monthly departures from Australia
- fpp2::elecdailyHalf-hourly and daily electricity demand for Victoria, Australia, in 2014
- fpp2::elecdemandHalf-hourly and daily electricity demand for Victoria, Australia, in 2014
- fpp2::elecequipElectrical equipment manufactured in the Euro area.
- fpp2::elecsalesElectricity sales to residential customers in South Australia.
- fpp2::euretailQuarterly retail trade: Euro area.
- fpp2::gasolineUS finished motor gasoline product supplied.
- fpp2::googDaily closing stock prices of Google Inc
- fpp2::goog200Daily closing stock prices of Google Inc
- fpp2::guineariceRice production (Guinea)
- fpp2::h02Monthly corticosteroid drug subsidy in Australia from 1991 to 2008.
- fpp2::hyndsightDaily pageviews for the Hyndsight blog. 30 April 2014 to 29 April 2015.
- fpp2::insuranceInsurance quotations and advertising expenditure.
- fpp2::livestockLivestock (sheep) in Asia, 1961-2007.
- fpp2::marathonBoston marathon winning times since 1897
- fpp2::maxtempMaximum annual temperatures at Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne
- fpp2::melsydTotal weekly air passenger numbers on Ansett airline flights between Melbourne and Sydney, 1987-1992.
- fpp2::mens400Winning times in Olympic men's 400m track final. 1896-2016.
- fpp2::oilAnnual oil production in Saudi Arabia
- fpp2::prisonprison
- fpp2::prisonLFprison
- fpp2::qauselecQuarterly Australian Electricity production
- fpp2::qcementQuarterly Australian Portland Cement production
- fpp2::qgasQuarterly Australian Gas Production
- fpp2::sunspotareaAnnual average sunspot area (1875-2015)
- fpp2::uschangeGrowth rates of personal consumption and personal income in the USA.
- fpp2::usmelecElectricity monthly total net generation. January 1973 - June 2013.
- fpp2::visnightsQuarterly visitor nights for various regions of Australia.
- fpp2::wmurdersAnnual female murder rate (per 100,000 standard population) in the USA. 1950-2004.
- fpp3::aus_accommodationAustralian accommodation data
- fpp3::aus_airpassengersAir Transport Passengers Australia
- fpp3::aus_arrivalsInternational Arrivals to Australia
- fpp3::aus_birthsAustralian births data
- fpp3::aus_fertilityAustralian fertility rates
- fpp3::aus_inboundMonthly short term (<1 year) visitor arrivals to Australia
- fpp3::aus_migrationAustralian migration data
- fpp3::aus_mortalityAustralian mortality data
- fpp3::aus_outboundMonthly short term (<1 year) resident departures in Australia
- fpp3::aus_tobaccoAustralian cigarette and tobacco expenditure
- fpp3::aus_vehicle_salesAustralian vehicle sales
- fpp3::bank_callsCall volume for a large North American commercial bank
- fpp3::boston_marathonBoston marathon winning times since 1897
- fpp3::canadian_gasMonthly Canadian gas production
- fpp3::guinea_riceRice production (Guinea)
- fpp3::insuranceInsurance quotations and advertising expenditure
- fpp3::melb_walkersAverage daily total pedestrian count in Melbourne
- fpp3::nsw_offencesMonthly offences in NSW
- fpp3::ny_childcareNew York childcare data
- fpp3::otexts_viewsOTexts page views
- fpp3::pricesPrice series for various commodities
- fpp3::souvenirsSales for a souvenir shop
- fpp3::us_changePercentage changes in economic variables in the USA.
- fpp3::us_employmentUS monthly employment data
- fpp3::us_gasolineUS finished motor gasoline product supplied.
- gghdr::faithfulExample dataframe for gghdr
- gghdr::lane2Example dataframe for gghdr
- hdrcde::lane2Speed-Flow data for Californian Freeway
- hdrcde::lane3Speed-Flow data for Californian Freeway
- hdrcde::maxtempDaily maximum temperatures in Melbourne, Australia
- hts::htseg1Simple examples of hierarchical time series.
- hts::htseg2Simple examples of hierarchical time series.
- hts::infantgtsRegional infant mortality counts across Australia from 1933 to 2003.
- Mcomp::M1M-Competition data
- Mcomp::M3M3-Competition data
- Mcomp::M3ForecastM3-Competition forecasts of original competition participants
- MEFM::saHistorical data for model estimation
- MEFM::sa.econHistorical demographic & economic data for South Australia
- MEFM::seasondaysThe number of days in a season
- oddstream::anomalous_streamMultivariate timeseries dataset with an anomalous event.
- oddwater::data_pioneer_anomWater Quality Sensor data - Pioneer
- oddwater::data_sandy_anomWater Quality Sensor data - Sandy_Creek
- ozbabynames::ozbabynamesozbabynames: Popular Australian baby names.
- rcademy::abdcABDC Journal Quality List
- rcademy::coreCORE (Computing Research and Education) lists of conference and journal rankings
- rcademy::core_journalsCORE (Computing Research and Education) lists of conference and journal rankings
- rcademy::era2010ERA2010 Journal List
- rcademy::monashMonash Business School Journal Quality List
- rcademy::njtpubsPublications of Nick Tierney
- rcademy::scimagoSCImago Journal Rank for all journals indexed by Scopus
- stR::callsNumber of phone calls dataset
- stR::electricityElectricity consumption dataset
- stR::groceryGrocery and supermarkets turnover
- stray::data_aA dataset with an outlier
- stray::data_bA bimodal dataset with a micro cluster
- stray::data_cA dataset with local anomalies and micro clusters
- stray::data_dA wheel dataset with two inliers
- stray::data_eA bimodal dataset with an inlier
- stray::data_fA dataset with an outlier
- stray::ped_dataDataset with pedestrian counts
- stray::wheel1wheel data set with inlier and outlier.
- sugrrants::hourly_pedsPedestrian counts in Melbourne city
- TACforecasting::group_costsSynthetic data for attendant hours by age group and injury group
- thief::AEdemandAccident and Emergency demand in the UK
- tscompdata::gefcom2012_loadGEFCOM2012 load data
- tscompdata::gefcom2012_tempGEFCOM2012 temperature data
- tscompdata::gefcom2012_wpGEFCOM2012 wind power data
- tscompdata::nn3NN3 data
- tscompdata::nn5NN5 data
- tscompdata::nngc1NNGC1 data
- tsdl::meta_tsdlTime Series Data Library metadata.
- tsdl::tsdlTime Series Data Library data
- tsibble::pedestrianPedestrian counts in the city of Melbourne
- tsibble::tourismAustralian domestic overnight trips
- tsibbledata::PBSMonthly Medicare Australia prescription data
- tsibbledata::ansettPassenger numbers on Ansett airline flights
- tsibbledata::aus_livestockAustralian livestock slaughter
- tsibbledata::aus_productionQuarterly production of selected commodities in Australia.
- tsibbledata::aus_retailAustralian retail trade turnover
- tsibbledata::gafa_stockGAFA stock prices
- tsibbledata::global_economyGlobal economic indicators
- tsibbledata::hh_budgetHousehold budget characteristics
- tsibbledata::nyc_bikesNYC Citi Bike trips
- tsibbledata::olympic_runningFastest running times for Olympic races
- tsibbledata::peltPelt trading records
- tsibbledata::vic_elecHalf-hourly electricity demand for Victoria, Australia
- vital::aus_fertilityAustralian fertility data
- vital::aus_mortalityAustralian mortality data
- vital::norway_birthsNorwegian mortality and births data
- vital::norway_fertilityNorwegian mortality and births data
- vital::norway_mortalityNorwegian mortality and births data
- weird::cricket_battingCricket batting data for international test players
- weird::fr_mortalityFrench mortality rates by age and sex
- weird::n01Multivariate standard normal data
- weird::oldfaithfulOld faithful eruption data