1. addb::actot
    Mortality and population data
  2. addb::aus.fertility
    Australian fertility data
  3. addb::australia
    Mortality and population data
  4. addb::nsw
    Mortality and population data
  5. addb::nt
    Mortality and population data
  6. addb::qld
    Mortality and population data
  7. addb::sa
    Mortality and population data
  8. addb::tas
    Mortality and population data
  9. addb::vic
    Mortality and population data
  10. addb::wa
    Mortality and population data
  11. bfast::dates
    A vector with date information (a Datum type) to be linked with each NDVI layer within the modis raster datacube (modisraster data set)
  12. bfast::harvest
    16-day NDVI time series for a Pinus radiata plantation.
  13. bfast::ndvi
    A random NDVI time series
  14. bfast::simts
    Simulated seasonal 16-day NDVI time series
  15. bfast::som
    Two 16-day NDVI time series from the south of Somalia
  16. conduits::NEON_PRIN_5min_cleaned
    Anomaly removed data for water quality variables aggregated at 5-minute intervals from Pringle Creek, Texas.
  17. cricketdata::cricsheet_codes
    Codes used for competitions on Cricsheet
  18. cricketdata::player_meta
    Meta data on players listed at ESPNCricinfo
  19. demography::aus.fert
    Australian fertility data
  20. demography::fr.mort
    French mortality data
  21. demography::fr.sm
    French mortality data
  22. eechidna::abs2001
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  23. eechidna::abs2004
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  24. eechidna::abs2006
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  25. eechidna::abs2007
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  26. eechidna::abs2010
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  27. eechidna::abs2011
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  28. eechidna::abs2013
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  29. eechidna::abs2016
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  30. eechidna::abs2019
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  31. eechidna::abs2021
    Australian Census data on all electorates
  32. eechidna::fp01
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  33. eechidna::fp04
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  34. eechidna::fp07
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  35. eechidna::fp10
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  36. eechidna::fp13
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  37. eechidna::fp16
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  38. eechidna::fp19
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  39. eechidna::fp22
    First preference votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  40. eechidna::nat_data01
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2001
  41. eechidna::nat_data04
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2004
  42. eechidna::nat_data07
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2007
  43. eechidna::nat_data10
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2010
  44. eechidna::nat_data13
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2013
  45. eechidna::nat_data16
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2016
  46. eechidna::nat_data19
    Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian Electorates from 2019
  47. eechidna::nat_data22
  48. eechidna::nat_map01
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2001
  49. eechidna::nat_map04
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2004
  50. eechidna::nat_map07
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2007
  51. eechidna::nat_map10
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2010
  52. eechidna::nat_map13
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2013
  53. eechidna::nat_map16
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2016
  54. eechidna::nat_map19
    Map of Australian Electorates from 2019
  55. eechidna::nat_map22
  56. eechidna::states22
  57. eechidna::tcp01
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  58. eechidna::tcp04
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  59. eechidna::tcp07
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  60. eechidna::tcp10
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  61. eechidna::tcp13
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  62. eechidna::tcp16
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  63. eechidna::tcp19
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  64. eechidna::tcp22
    Two candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of Representatives) in each electorate.
  65. eechidna::tpp01
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  66. eechidna::tpp04
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  67. eechidna::tpp07
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  68. eechidna::tpp10
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  69. eechidna::tpp13
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  70. eechidna::tpp16
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  71. eechidna::tpp19
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  72. eechidna::tpp22
    Two party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate where Labor and Liberal parties were the two most popular parties.
  73. expsmooth::ausgdp
    Quarterly Australian GDP
  74. expsmooth::bonds
    Monthly US government bond yields
  75. expsmooth::cangas
    Monthly Canadian gas production
  76. expsmooth::carparts
    Monthly sales car parts
  77. expsmooth::dji
    Monthly Dow Jones Index
  78. expsmooth::djiclose
    Monthly Dow Jones Index: closing
  79. expsmooth::enplanements
    Monthly US domestic enplanements
  80. expsmooth::fmsales
    Weekly FM sales
  81. expsmooth::freight
    Annual US new freight cars
  82. expsmooth::frexport
    Quarterly French exports
  83. expsmooth::gasprice
    US gasoline prices
  84. expsmooth::hospital
    Monthly patient count
  85. expsmooth::jewelry
    Weekly jewelry sales
  86. expsmooth::mcopper
    Monthly copper prices
  87. expsmooth::msales
    Monthly product sales
  88. expsmooth::partx
    Monthly sales of an automobile part
  89. expsmooth::ukcars
    Quarterly UK passenger car production
  90. expsmooth::unemp.cci
    Unemployment and the CCI
  91. expsmooth::usgdp
    Quarterly US GDP
  92. expsmooth::usnetelec
    Annual US net electricity generation
  93. expsmooth::utility
    Hourly utility demand
  94. expsmooth::vehicles
    Hourly vehicle counts
  95. expsmooth::visitors
    Monthly Australian overseas vistors
  96. expsmooth::xrates
    Monthly exchange rates
  97. fable.binary::melb_rain
    Daily rainfall in Melbourne, Australia
  98. fma::advert
    Sales and advertising expenditure
  99. fma::advsales
    Sales volume and advertising expenditure
  100. fma::airpass
    Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960
  101. fma::auto
    Attributes of some US and Japanese automobiles
  102. fma::bank
    Mutual savings bank deposits
  103. fma::beer
    Monthly beer production
  104. fma::bicoal
    Annual bituminous coal production
  105. fma::books
    Sales of paperback and hardcover books
  106. fma::boston
    Monthly dollar volume of sales
  107. fma::bricksq
    Quarterly clay brick production
  108. fma::canadian
    Canadian unemployment rate
  109. fma::capital
    Quarterly capital expenditure and appropriations
  110. fma::cement
    Cement composition and heat data
  111. fma::chicken
    Price of chicken
  112. fma::condmilk
    Condensed milk
  113. fma::copper
    Copper price
  114. fma::copper1
    Copper prices
  115. fma::copper2
    Copper prices
  116. fma::copper3
    Copper prices
  117. fma::cowtemp
    Temperature of a cow
  118. fma::cpimel
    Consumer price index
  119. fma::dexter
    Dexterity test and production ratings
  120. fma::dj
    Dow-Jones index
  121. fma::dole
    Unemployment benefits in Australia
  122. fma::dowjones
    Dow-Jones index
  123. fma::econsumption
    Electricity consumption and temperature
  124. fma::eggs
    Price of eggs
  125. fma::eknives
    Sales of electric knives
  126. fma::elco
    Sales of Elco's laser printers
  127. fma::elec
    Electricity production
  128. fma::expenditure
  129. fma::fancy
    Sales for a souvenir shop
  130. fma::french
    Industry index
  131. fma::housing
    Housing data
  132. fma::hsales
    Sales of one-family houses
  133. fma::hsales2
    Sales of new one-family houses
  134. fma::huron
    Level of Lake Huron
  135. fma::ibm
    IBM sales and profit
  136. fma::ibmclose
    Closing IBM stock price
  137. fma::input
    Input series
  138. fma::internet
    Number of internet users
  139. fma::invent15
    Inventory demand
  140. fma::jcars
    Motor vehicle production
  141. fma::kkong
    King Kong data
  142. fma::labour
    Civilian labour force
  143. fma::lynx
    Annual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934
  144. fma::milk
    Monthly milk production per cow
  145. fma::mink
    Number of minks trapped
  146. fma::mortal
  147. fma::motel
    Total accommodation at hotel, motel and guest house
  148. fma::motion
    Employment figures in the motion picture industry
  149. fma::nail
    Nail prices
  150. fma::oilprice
    Oil prices
  151. fma::olympic
    Men's 400 m final winning times in each Olympic Games
  152. fma::ozone
    Ozone depletion and melanoma rates
  153. fma::paris
    Average temperature
  154. fma::pcv
  155. fma::petrol
    Sales of petroleum and related product
  156. fma::pigs
    Number of pigs slaughtered
  157. fma::plastics
    Sales of plastic product
  158. fma::pollution
    Shipment of pollution equipment
  159. fma::productC
    Sales of product C
  160. fma::pulpprice
    Pulp price and shipments
  161. fma::qelec
    Electricity production
  162. fma::qsales
    Sales data
  163. fma::running
    Running times and maximal aerobic capacity
  164. fma::sales
    Sales data
  165. fma::schizo
    Perceptual speed scores
  166. fma::shampoo
    Sales of shampoo
  167. fma::sheep
    Sheep population
  168. fma::ship
    Electric can opener shipments
  169. fma::shipex
  170. fma::strikes
    Number of strikes
  171. fma::telephone
    Telephone cost
  172. fma::texasgas
    Price and consumption of natural gas
  173. fma::ukdeaths
    Total deaths and serious injuries
  174. fma::usdeaths
    Accidental deaths in USA
  175. fma::uselec
    Total generation of electricity
  176. fma::ustreas
    Treasury bill contracts
  177. fma::wagesuk
    Real daily wages
  178. fma::wheat
    Wheat prices
  179. fma::wn
    White noise series
  180. fma::wnoise
    White noise time series
  181. fma::writing
    Sales of printing and writing paper
  182. forecast::gas
    Australian monthly gas production
  183. forecast::gold
    Daily morning gold prices
  184. forecast::taylor
    Half-hourly electricity demand
  185. forecast::wineind
    Australian total wine sales
  186. forecast::woolyrnq
    Quarterly production of woollen yarn in Australia
  187. fpp2::a10
    Monthly anti-diabetic drug subsidy in Australia from 1991 to 2008.
  188. fpp2::arrivals
    International Arrivals to Australia
  189. fpp2::ausair
    Air Transport Passengers Australia
  190. fpp2::ausbeer
    Quarterly Australian Beer production
  191. fpp2::auscafe
    Monthly expenditure on eating out in Australia
  192. fpp2::austa
    International visitors to Australia
  193. fpp2::austourists
    International Tourists to Australia: Total visitor nights.
  194. fpp2::calls
    Call volume for a large North American bank
  195. fpp2::debitcards
    Retail debit card usage in Iceland.
  196. fpp2::departures
    Total monthly departures from Australia
  197. fpp2::elecdaily
    Half-hourly and daily electricity demand for Victoria, Australia, in 2014
  198. fpp2::elecdemand
    Half-hourly and daily electricity demand for Victoria, Australia, in 2014
    msts|17520 x 3
  199. fpp2::elecequip
    Electrical equipment manufactured in the Euro area.
  200. fpp2::elecsales
    Electricity sales to residential customers in South Australia.
  201. fpp2::euretail
    Quarterly retail trade: Euro area.
  202. fpp2::gasoline
    US finished motor gasoline product supplied.
  203. fpp2::goog
    Daily closing stock prices of Google Inc
  204. fpp2::goog200
    Daily closing stock prices of Google Inc
  205. fpp2::guinearice
    Rice production (Guinea)
  206. fpp2::h02
    Monthly corticosteroid drug subsidy in Australia from 1991 to 2008.
  207. fpp2::hyndsight
    Daily pageviews for the Hyndsight blog. 30 April 2014 to 29 April 2015.
  208. fpp2::insurance
    Insurance quotations and advertising expenditure.
  209. fpp2::livestock
    Livestock (sheep) in Asia, 1961-2007.
  210. fpp2::marathon
    Boston marathon winning times since 1897
  211. fpp2::maxtemp
    Maximum annual temperatures at Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne
  212. fpp2::melsyd
    Total weekly air passenger numbers on Ansett airline flights between Melbourne and Sydney, 1987-1992.
  213. fpp2::mens400
    Winning times in Olympic men's 400m track final. 1896-2016.
  214. fpp2::oil
    Annual oil production in Saudi Arabia
  215. fpp2::prison
  216. fpp2::prisonLF
  217. fpp2::qauselec
    Quarterly Australian Electricity production
  218. fpp2::qcement
    Quarterly Australian Portland Cement production
  219. fpp2::qgas
    Quarterly Australian Gas Production
  220. fpp2::sunspotarea
    Annual average sunspot area (1875-2015)
  221. fpp2::uschange
    Growth rates of personal consumption and personal income in the USA.
  222. fpp2::usmelec
    Electricity monthly total net generation. January 1973 - June 2013.
  223. fpp2::visnights
    Quarterly visitor nights for various regions of Australia.
  224. fpp2::wmurders
    Annual female murder rate (per 100,000 standard population) in the USA. 1950-2004.
  225. fpp3::aus_accommodation
    Australian accommodation data
  226. fpp3::aus_airpassengers
    Air Transport Passengers Australia
  227. fpp3::aus_arrivals
    International Arrivals to Australia
  228. fpp3::aus_births
    Australian births data
  229. fpp3::aus_fertility
    Australian fertility rates
  230. fpp3::aus_inbound
    Monthly short term (<1 year) visitor arrivals to Australia
  231. fpp3::aus_migration
    Australian migration data
  232. fpp3::aus_mortality
    Australian mortality data
  233. fpp3::aus_outbound
    Monthly short term (<1 year) resident departures in Australia
  234. fpp3::aus_tobacco
    Australian cigarette and tobacco expenditure
  235. fpp3::aus_vehicle_sales
    Australian vehicle sales
  236. fpp3::bank_calls
    Call volume for a large North American commercial bank
  237. fpp3::boston_marathon
    Boston marathon winning times since 1897
  238. fpp3::canadian_gas
    Monthly Canadian gas production
  239. fpp3::guinea_rice
    Rice production (Guinea)
  240. fpp3::insurance
    Insurance quotations and advertising expenditure
  241. fpp3::melb_walkers
    Average daily total pedestrian count in Melbourne
  242. fpp3::nsw_offences
    Monthly offences in NSW
  243. fpp3::ny_childcare
    New York childcare data
  244. fpp3::otexts_views
    OTexts page views
  245. fpp3::prices
    Price series for various commodities
  246. fpp3::souvenirs
    Sales for a souvenir shop
  247. fpp3::us_change
    Percentage changes in economic variables in the USA.
  248. fpp3::us_employment
    US monthly employment data
  249. fpp3::us_gasoline
    US finished motor gasoline product supplied.
  250. gghdr::faithful
    Example dataframe for gghdr
  251. gghdr::lane2
    Example dataframe for gghdr
  252. hdrcde::lane2
    Speed-Flow data for Californian Freeway
  253. hdrcde::lane3
    Speed-Flow data for Californian Freeway
  254. hdrcde::maxtemp
    Daily maximum temperatures in Melbourne, Australia
  255. hts::htseg1
    Simple examples of hierarchical time series.
  256. hts::htseg2
    Simple examples of hierarchical time series.
  257. hts::infantgts
    Regional infant mortality counts across Australia from 1933 to 2003.
  258. Mcomp::M1
    M-Competition data
  259. Mcomp::M3
    M3-Competition data
  260. Mcomp::M3Forecast
    M3-Competition forecasts of original competition participants
  261. MEFM::sa
    Historical data for model estimation
  262. MEFM::sa.econ
    Historical demographic & economic data for South Australia
  263. MEFM::seasondays
    The number of days in a season
  264. oddstream::anomalous_stream
    Multivariate timeseries dataset with an anomalous event.
  265. oddwater::data_pioneer_anom
    Water Quality Sensor data - Pioneer
  266. oddwater::data_sandy_anom
    Water Quality Sensor data - Sandy_Creek
  267. ozbabynames::ozbabynames
    ozbabynames: Popular Australian baby names.
  268. rcademy::abdc
    ABDC Journal Quality List
  269. rcademy::core
    CORE (Computing Research and Education) lists of conference and journal rankings
  270. rcademy::core_journals
    CORE (Computing Research and Education) lists of conference and journal rankings
  271. rcademy::era2010
    ERA2010 Journal List
  272. rcademy::monash
    Monash Business School Journal Quality List
  273. rcademy::njtpubs
    Publications of Nick Tierney
  274. rcademy::scimago
    SCImago Journal Rank for all journals indexed by Scopus
  275. stR::calls
    Number of phone calls dataset
  276. stR::electricity
    Electricity consumption dataset
  277. stR::grocery
    Grocery and supermarkets turnover
  278. stray::data_a
    A dataset with an outlier
  279. stray::data_b
    A bimodal dataset with a micro cluster
  280. stray::data_c
    A dataset with local anomalies and micro clusters
  281. stray::data_d
    A wheel dataset with two inliers
  282. stray::data_e
    A bimodal dataset with an inlier
  283. stray::data_f
    A dataset with an outlier
  284. stray::ped_data
    Dataset with pedestrian counts
  285. stray::wheel1
    wheel data set with inlier and outlier.
  286. sugrrants::hourly_peds
    Pedestrian counts in Melbourne city
  287. TACforecasting::group_costs
    Synthetic data for attendant hours by age group and injury group
  288. thief::AEdemand
    Accident and Emergency demand in the UK
  289. tscompdata::gefcom2012_load
    GEFCOM2012 load data
  290. tscompdata::gefcom2012_temp
    GEFCOM2012 temperature data
  291. tscompdata::gefcom2012_wp
    GEFCOM2012 wind power data
  292. tscompdata::nn3
    NN3 data
  293. tscompdata::nn5
    NN5 data
  294. tscompdata::nngc1
    NNGC1 data
  295. tsdl::meta_tsdl
    Time Series Data Library metadata.
  296. tsdl::tsdl
    Time Series Data Library data
  297. tsibble::pedestrian
    Pedestrian counts in the city of Melbourne
  298. tsibble::tourism
    Australian domestic overnight trips
  299. tsibbledata::PBS
    Monthly Medicare Australia prescription data
  300. tsibbledata::ansett
    Passenger numbers on Ansett airline flights
  301. tsibbledata::aus_livestock
    Australian livestock slaughter
  302. tsibbledata::aus_production
    Quarterly production of selected commodities in Australia.
  303. tsibbledata::aus_retail
    Australian retail trade turnover
  304. tsibbledata::gafa_stock
    GAFA stock prices
  305. tsibbledata::global_economy
    Global economic indicators
  306. tsibbledata::hh_budget
    Household budget characteristics
  307. tsibbledata::nyc_bikes
    NYC Citi Bike trips
  308. tsibbledata::olympic_running
    Fastest running times for Olympic races
  309. tsibbledata::pelt
    Pelt trading records
  310. tsibbledata::vic_elec
    Half-hourly electricity demand for Victoria, Australia
  311. vital::aus_fertility
    Australian fertility data
  312. vital::aus_mortality
    Australian mortality data
  313. vital::norway_births
    Norwegian mortality and births data
  314. vital::norway_fertility
    Norwegian mortality and births data
  315. vital::norway_mortality
    Norwegian mortality and births data
  316. weird::cricket_batting
    Cricket batting data for international test players
  317. weird::fr_mortality
    French mortality rates by age and sex
  318. weird::n01
    Multivariate standard normal data
  319. weird::oldfaithful
    Old faithful eruption data