Title: | Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (2nd Edition) |
Description: | All data sets required for the examples and exercises in the book "Forecasting: principles and practice" (2nd ed, 2018) by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos <https://otexts.com/fpp2/>. All packages required to run the examples are also loaded. |
Authors: | Rob Hyndman [aut, cre, cph], RStudio [cph] |
Maintainer: | Rob Hyndman <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.5 |
Built: | 2025-03-09 02:55:55 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/robjhyndman/fpp2-package |
Monthly government expenditure (millions of dollars) as part of the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme for products falling under ATC code A10 as recorded by the Australian Health Insurance Commission. July 1991 - June 2008.
Monthly time series of class ts
Medicare Australia
autoplot(a10) ggseasonplot(a10)
autoplot(a10) ggseasonplot(a10)
Quarterly international arrivals (in thousands) to Australia from Japan, New Zealand, UK and the US. 1981Q1 - 2012Q3.
Quarterly time series of class ts
Tourism Research Australia.
Total annual air passengers (in millions) including domestic and international aircraft passengers of air carriers registered in Australia. 1970-2016.
Annual time series of class ts
World Bank.
Total quarterly beer production in Australia (in megalitres) from 1956:Q1 to 2010:Q2.
Quarterly time series of class ts
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Cat. 8301.0.55.001.
data(ausbeer) ggseasonplot(ausbeer)
data(ausbeer) ggseasonplot(ausbeer)
The total monthly expenditure on cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services in Australia ($billion). April 1982 - September 2017.
Monthly time series of class ts
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Catalogue No. 8501.0
Total international visitors to Australia (in millions). 1980-2015.
Annual time series of class ts
International Visitor Survey, Tourism Research Australia.
Quarterly visitor nights (in millions) spent by international tourists to Australia. 1999-2015.
Quarterly time series of class ts
Tourism Research Australia.
Five-minute call volume handled on weekdays between 7:00am and 9:05pm, beginning 3 March 2003 for 164 days.
Time series object of class msts
Rob Hyndman
autoplot(calls, xlab="Weeks")
autoplot(calls, xlab="Weeks")
Monthly retail debit card usage in Iceland (million ISK). January 2000 - August 2013.
Monthly time series of class ts
Statistics Iceland.
Overseas departures from Australia: permanent departures, long-term (more than one year) residents departing, long-term (more than one year) visitors departing, short-term (less than one year) residents departing and short-term (less than one year) visitors departing. January 1976 - November 2016.
Multiple monthly time series of class mts
containing the
following series:
permanent | permanent departures from Australia. |
reslong | long-term resident departures from Australia. |
vislong | long-term visitor departures from Australia. |
resshort | short-term resident departures from Australia. |
visshort | short-term visitor departures from Australia. |
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Catalogue No 3401.02.
autoplot(departures, facets=TRUE)
autoplot(departures, facets=TRUE)
is a half-hourly time series matrix with three columns:
Demand: | Total electricity demand in GW for Victoria, Australia, every half-hour during 2014. |
WorkDay: | taking value 1 on work days, and 0 otherwise. |
Temperature: | half-hourly temperatures for Melbourne (BOM site 086071). |
is a daily time series matrix with three columns:
Demand: | Total electricity demand in GW for Victoria, Australia, every day during 2014. |
WorkDay: | taking value 1 on work days, and 0 otherwise. |
Temperature: | maximum daily temperatures for Melbourne (BOM site 086071). |
Multiple time series of class mts
This data is for operational demand, which is the demand met by local scheduled generating units, semi-scheduled generating units, and non-scheduled intermittent generating units of aggregate capacity larger than 30 MW, and by generation imports to the region. The operational demand excludes the demand met by non-scheduled non-intermittent generating units, non-scheduled intermittent generating units of aggregate capacity smaller than 30 MW, exempt generation (e.g. rooftop solar, gas tri-generation, very small wind farms, etc), and demand of local scheduled loads. It also excludes some very large industrial users (such as mines or smelters).
Australian Energy Market Operator, and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
summary(elecdemand) summary(elecdaily)
summary(elecdemand) summary(elecdaily)
Monthly manufacture of electrical equipment: computer, electronic and optical products. January 1996 - March 2012. Data adjusted by working days; Euro area (17 countries). Industry new orders index. 2005=100.
Time series object of class ts
Annual electricity sales for South Australia in GWh from 1989 to 2008. Electricity used for hot water has been excluded.
Time series object of class ts
Australian Energy Market Operator.
Quarterly retail trade index in the Euro area (17 countries), 1996-2011, covering wholesale and retail trade, and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. (Index: 2005 = 100).
Quarterly time series of class ts
This function lists all the conflicts between packages in the fpp2 collection and other packages that you have loaded.
Some conflicts are deliberately ignored: intersect
, union
, and setdiff
from dplyr; and intersect
, setdiff
, and as.difftime
from lubridate.
These functions make the base equivalents generic, so shouldn't negatively affect any
existing code.
A list object of class fpp2_conflicts
List all packages loaded by fpp2
fpp2_packages(include_self = FALSE)
fpp2_packages(include_self = FALSE)
include_self |
Include fpp2 in the list? |
A character vector of package names.
Weekly data beginning 2 February 1991, ending 20 January 2017. Units are "million barrels per day".
Time series object of class ts
US Energy Information Administration.
autoplot(gasoline, xlab="Year")
autoplot(gasoline, xlab="Year")
Closing stock prices of GOOG from the NASDAQ exchange, for 1000 consecutive
trading days between 25 February 2013 and 13 February 2017. Adjusted for
splits. goog200
contains the first 200 observations from goog
Daily time series of class ts
Total annual rice production (million metric tons) for Guinea. 1970-2011.
Annual time series of class ts
World Bank.
Monthly government expenditure (millions of dollars) as part of the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme for products falling under ATC code H02 as recorded by the Australian Health Insurance Commission. July 1991 - June 2008.
Monthly time series of class ts
Medicare Australia
autoplot(h02) ggseasonplot(h02)
autoplot(h02) ggseasonplot(h02)
Hyndsight is Rob Hyndman's personal blog at https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/. This series contains the daily pageviews for one year, beginning 30 April 2014. The frequency is set to 7, to allow the weekly pattern to be modelled.
Time series object of class ts
Rob Hyndman
autoplot(hyndsight, xlab="Weeks")
autoplot(hyndsight, xlab="Weeks")
Monthly quotations and monthly television advertising expenditure for a US insurance company. January 2002 to April 2005.
Monthly time series of class ts
Kindly provided by Dave Reilly, Automatic Forecasting Systems.
Annual sheep livestock numbers in Asia (in million head).
Annual time series of class ts
United Nations.
Winning times (in minutes) for the Boston Marathon Men's Open Division. 1897-2016.
Annual time series of class ts
Boston Athletic Association. https://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/results/champions
Maximum annual temperatures (degrees Celsius) for Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne. 1971-2016.
Annual time series of class ts
Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
Air traffic numbers are in thousands, and divided into first class, business class and economy class. There was a major pilots' industrial dispute during the data period resulting in some weeks with zero traffic. There was also at least two changes in the definitions of passenger classes.
Multiple time series of class mts
Ansett Airlines (which no longer exists).
autoplot(melsyd, facets=TRUE)
autoplot(melsyd, facets=TRUE)
Times in seconds for the gold-medal winner of the men's 400m track final at each Olympics since 1896. Missing values occur in 1916, 1940 and 1944 due to the World Wars.
time series of class ts
with frequency 1/4.
Annual oil production (millions of tonnes), Saudi Arabia, 1965-2013.
Annual time series of class ts
Quarterly time series of prisoner numbers in Australia from 2005 to
2016, split by sex, state and legal status. prisonLF
is a long-form
version of the data of class data.frame
, while prison
is in
wide form and of class mts
autoplot(prison) head(prisonLF)
autoplot(prison) head(prisonLF)
Total quarterly electricity production in Australia (in billion kWh) from 1956:Q1 to 2010:Q2.
Quarterly time series of class ts
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Cat. 8301.0.55.001.
Total quarterly production of Portland cement in Australia (in millions of tonnes) from 1956:Q1 to 2014:Q1.
Quarterly time series of class ts
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Cat. 8301.0.55.001.
Total quarterly gas production in Australia (in petajoules) from 1956:Q1 to 2010:Q2.
Quarterly time series of class ts
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Cat. 8301.0.55.001.
Annual averages of the daily sunspot areas (in units of millionths of a hemisphere) for the full sun. Sunspots are magnetic regions that appear as dark spots on the surface of the sun. The Royal Greenwich Observatory compiled daily sunspot observations from May 1874 to 1976. Later data are from the US Air Force and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The data have been calibrated to be consistent across the whole history of observations.
Annual time series of class ts
Percentage changes in quarterly personal consumption expenditure, personal disposable income, production, savings and the unemployment rate for the US, 1960 to 2016.
Time series object of class ts
Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis.
autoplot(uschange, facet=TRUE)
autoplot(uschange, facet=TRUE)
Electricity net generation measured in billions of kilowatt hours (kWh).
Time series object of class ts
US Energy Information Administration.
Total quarterly visitor nights (in millions) from 1998-2016 for twenty regions of Australia within six states. The states are: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, and Other.
Time series object of class mts
Tourism Research Australia.
Total Murdered women, per 100 000 standard population.
Annual time series of class ts
Gapminder Foundation.